Root Canal Therapy

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy removes bacteria from infected root canals. Besides removing bacteria that can ruin your smile, root canal therapy also prevents recurring infections and can save your natural teeth.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

A root canal infection is caused by bacteria that live in your mouth and invade your tooth. It can happen because of tooth decay, leaky fillings, or trauma to your teeth, such as a broken tooth. If dental X-rays show that the pulp of your tooth has been damaged by bacteria, you need a root canal treatment. If the pulp becomes inflamed, bacteria can multiply and spread fast which can affect your overall oral health in the long run.

Our Procedure for Root Canal Therapy

The root canal process might seem scary and complicated, but modern methods and cutting-edge technology make it easier than ever. At Bayview Dental, we use rotary endodontics to do root canals more accurately and comprehensively. With rotary endodontics, your dentist can enter the tooth's curved root canal without damaging it. Your dentist will clean the canals with solutions that will free the tooth from the invading bacteria. Local anesthetic will be used to make sure patient is comfortable during the entire procedure. A restoration will be placed after the root canal therapy is completed.