Beautiful smile. Peace of mind.
Call or Text: (954) 870-4900
Dr. Amalia Quiñones is a dentist practicing cosmetic and general dentistry at her practice, Bayview Dental, located in Fort Lauderdale. She was born in Cuba, but has lived most of her life in South Florida. She earned her bachelors' degree in Biology and her doctorate in dental surgery from Howard University College of Dentistry in Washington DC. After working in the DC area for a few years, she moved back to South Florida to be close to her family.
Dr. Quiñones's patients can always voice their concerns and trust they are treated with gentle care. Her passion for the art of dentistry can be seen in her dedication to giving patients a beautiful smile, exceeding their expectations. Dr. Q, as many of her patients call her, believes strongly in the long-term dental health of her patients and is mostly known for her compassion and integrity. Her patients are treated with the utmost respect, honesty and, most notably, as family.
Dr. Quiñones always wanted to provide a compassionate, personalized patient experience in a modern and relaxing environment and has designed her new practice to reflect her vision. She is also a mother of two and in her spare time she enjoys traveling, playing tennis and going for a pleasant Sunday brunch.
Get to know what we do.
Look and feel more confident in your smile. We offer professional general dentistry solutions to suit your needs.
We offer a suite of cosmetic dental services from teeth whitening to veneers to help you achieve a more balanced, symmetrical, and aesthetically pleasing smile.
At Bayview Dental we can help you with most of your dental needs, including same day emergency visits.
Keeping patients healthy and happy with their dental care is Bayview Dental's top priority. Our goal is to make patients feel at ease and confident that they're in good hands.
As soon as you walk into our newly renovated office, our friendly staff will welcome you into a relaxing, laid-back environment where you can feel at home. We understand that some patients have a fear of the dentist, that's why we do our best to accommodate their concerns. Our office is conveniently located on US 1 and we offer ample parking space.
At Bayview Dental, we offer a wide range of services all under one roof. Our office uses the latest cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment in the industry. We believe in continuous improvement and take advantage of continuing education to make sure we are providing the best and most innovative care possible for you. We offer flexible hours and after-hour appointments for your convenience.
We would love to hear from you. Contact us at any of the following. Online or in person we can't wait to meet you.